This past weekend we had our third session in the winter hike series of the Mindfulness & Nature Therapy Women's Hiking group. As usual, it was a powerful experience. We started out with a nervous system exercise, using pressure points in our hands to relax an activated nervous system. We rated our levels of anxiety/stress starting out, and again afterwards, and everyone noticed a decrease. After a chunk of walking in the cold, stark, beautiful, wooded trail, we stopped in a clearing among the trees. There, each person went off on their own to contemplate a piece of Nature that embodied the concept of confidence and come up with 3 things they themselves were proud of about themselves. We came back together to share our experiences. One person revealed that even coming on this hike experience, putting herself out there and sharing herself has been a hugely transformative experience, something she would never have done 6 months ago. The group was brought to tears by her meaningful share. Another one shared a proud parenting moment about a struggling preteen child and the challenges she was having. Again, more tears and a hug, after another woman shared her resonance with what she had heard. After the shares were over, we pulled an "Earth Magic" card - something that is a tradition I do on all of my hikes. I ask for a card that's in the best interest of everyone present, and make sure to say that take or leave whatever you want from this. We pulled the "Love/Compassion" card, and I read a blurb from the booklet that comes with the deck. The walk back to the cars included how to find compassion for some of the parts of the world and higher forces at work that so many are now struggling with, and how that could support us to come at the changes happening in our country with less anxiety.
We ended with our usual "check-out" when people share a word or two that comes to mind about their experience. Words such as "connected", "lighter", "inspired", "supported" came up - words I often hear at the end of these experiences.
I walked away from the group and got into my car just feeling amazed at the power in connecting, the power in being outside and the authenticity and rawness that that encourages. The need for connection in our world is imperative, especially these days. There are so few places where we can express ourselves, connect to our hearts and souls, and each other in meaningful, real ways.
I wanted to write about that hike in particular because it was particularly moving, and I was left with such a strong yearning to continue this work and to grow, to help other women find these types of safe spaces!