For the busy, constantly giving therapist who is ready to take a break
The Resilient Clinician's self-care support group will help you shift your constant doing, producing, and giving patterns to focus on your inner world, take off your professional hat, and experience replenishment.

Nature self-care & group support for therapists
Are you giving yourself the space to practice what you preach?
Join a safe, non-judgmental space to take your hat off and connect with other women therapists near Baltimore.
Through guided movement, breathing & conversation in nature, we refill our hearts and strengthen our mental & emotional toolbox, allowing us to serve others better and enjoy ourselves more.
You do soul work. You need soul care.
Spring Hikes- In Thursday mornings at Graham Equestrian Center 9:30-10:30am
Mindfulness for Therapists
What are the areas you feel disempowered in your life, despite what you tell your clients?
How often are you giving yourself the time and space for reflection and checking-in with yourself?
These are the types of questions discuss in this drop-in support group by and for Therapists!
As therapists, we are SO good at giving other people feedback, support, encouragement, inspiration, insight, etc. but how often do we turn the tables on ourselves?
In this Mindfulness for Therapists support group, you will:
Be guided to access YOUR inner wisdom so that you can get a dose of your own medicine.
Connect with other therapists who may also be feeling alone, who share similar challenges, and who understand what it's like in the analytical brain of a therapist also having a human experience.
Notice what needs or experiences you may have been neglecting that are an essential part of your well-being.
Be held accountable in a compassionate way to practice resourcing yourself.

The best thing you can do for your brain is take a walk in the woods with a friend and discuss your problems.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Take a mindful forest walk and fill your heart with nature & meaningful connection
Using nature, the support of other wise therapists, a little human guidance, and your own willing and open mind, this is sure to be a nourishing and transformative experience!
My hope and intention is that this is used as a sort of training ground. That you will see the power in dedicating yourself for 1 hour a week to your own personal growth and well-being and participating in on-going community conversation about your self-care. I know from experience that it is POWERFUL!
Mindfulness for Therapists is a Support Group experience you will savor and cherish!
Important notes on this Mindfulness Group
1.) Welcoming - This group is meant to be a safe, non-judgemental space for all therapists who identify as women.
2.) Mindfulness - It is not a group for people wanting an exercise group. The movement involved is loving movement, meant to be incorporated in mindfulness practices. We will walk/hike for anywhere from 30-45 minutes. If you have any sort of physical or health concerns, please let the facilitator know prior to registering. We try to accomodate everyone's physical needs and take into account any issues when planning the group experience.
3.) Weather - as long as it's not raining so hard that we can't hear each other, the facilitator will send an email out a few days prior to the planned group time, giving an update about weather and location, any planning that needs to happen accordingly, and if there is a forecast of poor weather when the participants will be notified.
4.) Authenticity - This is a space for therapists to BE THEMSELVES. I know it can be hard to navigate taking our professional hats off in social situations - this is a space where you get to do that with a group of others who understand the complexity that that can sometimes bring! The purpose of the group is to be a safe, supportive space for therapists to connect with one another, and practice tools to support your well-being.

Take the therapist hat off, and connect meaningfully with others

Join a nature therapy group for therapists.
Share in the individual and group transformation of other therapists.
Let yourself be supported. It will make you stronger in how you support others.
Mindfulness for Therapists groups are:
Weekly drop-ins Thursdays 9:30-10:30am
At Graham Equestrian Center in Glen Arm, MD
Mild terrain - not challenging
Donation-based $25-$55/session